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No hunting on Sundays on Fort Walker

Recreational users of Fort Walker are welcome visit the AAFES Exchange to purchase snacks and drinks (excluding alcohol and tobacco products): see flyer here

Weapon Possession on Fort Walker

Fort Walker would like to remind all installation visitors, to include military personnel who train on post, that transportation, possession or carrying of privately-owned weapons is strictly prohibited and punishable under the UCMJ and 18 USC 930.

This includes all legally permitted concealed weapons cardholders.  The only exception to this regulation is for those individuals who are approved to hunt or use the civilian range facility on base.  For more information, please refer to APHR 190-11 and CPL-19, or call the police desk at (804) 633-8888.

Magnet Fishing

Metal detecting and magnet fishing are strictly prohibited on Fort Walker property. For further questions please contact Fish & Wildlife at (804) 633-8750.

Driving During Wet Conditions

Please use caution when driving on Fort Walker during wet conditions. When parking off of a recreation road please assess the road shoulder before pulling into a wet spot that could result in leaving ruts or possibly becoming stuck. If damage is caused to the road shoulder please contact the Fish & Wildlife Branch so that repairs can be made.